Amethyst Custom Cut CZ Stones Provide Several Health Benefits

Amethyst Cubic Zirconia gemstone possesses several benefits out of which one of the most significant ones affecting health positively is detoxification. It is also found in detox food pads nowadays. It also protects individuals from infrared rays and negative ion emission. In fact, there are several other benefits which are still being discovered. However, it is known that these gemstones can impact health positively. This is proven already. You can always wear a custom cut CZ stone in the form of amethyst to improve your health.


Health Benefits of Amethyst Cubic Zirconia Gemstone

The Cubic Zirconia in Amethyst color provides some proven health benefits. It treats various health conditions throughout various age groups. Amethyst stone due to its qualities and color can be helpful for treating mental dysfunctions, sleep disorders and alcohol addiction, in fact, it is quite effective in treating any kind of addiction in people. Detoxification gets a major boost by using the Amethyst CZ. This has been proven by scientists while its treatment capacity for other such disorders and diseases is still under the scanner. However, people wearing this gemstone vouch for its health benefits as they have experienced first hand.

Why is it Helpful?

This stone is capable of producing magnetic levels around the human body. The naturally generated magnetic fields by the gemstone are beneficial in contrast to the ones produced by electronics. Our body produces its own magnetic energy and hence the blend of energies is beneficial for the body. Some of the disorders that Amethyst can treat includes:

  1. Cell Regeneration- The stone can improve natural cell regeneration. The infra-red energy can benefit the body by boosting its energy levels.
  2. Sleep Assistance- Experiments have proven that Amethyst is capable of treating sleep disorders in humans. Since, it regulates sleep patterns it can help in having a fulfilling sleep. The low level of heat generated by the stone helps to calm the stressed nerves providing better sleep.
  3. Blood Circulation- it is known to improve blood circulation specifically micro-circulation within the capillaries. This improves skin texture and also helps in maintaining a healthy body.
  4. Fluid Motility- Far-infrared radiation supported by this particular gemstone improves other fluid transportation along with blood inside the cells.
  5. Alleviates Mood- One reason for this is that the stone enhances sound sleep. The other reason could be that it soothes the nerves alleviating overall mood in humans.
  6. Wound Healer- It promotes wound healing just by boosting blood and fluid circulation inside body. It also encourages repair mechanism inside body particularly within the cells thus promoting healthy body.
  7. Powerful Antioxidant- It promotes antioxidant activities inside body so that one loses weight.
  8. Fights Bacteria- Far infrared radiation aids in fighting bacteria and also curbs the growth of bacteria promoting enzymes. In fact, it provides better effect than regular heat therapy in reducing growth of bacteria.


These are some of the health benefits provided by Amethyst Cubic Zirconia stones. This is a huge reason why people have started using this gemstone in jewelry items. This makes it a killer combination of style and health benefits. Also, the amethyst version of CZ is low priced making it an easily accessible stone.

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